Next Generation

In the coming months, we will be posting all you need to know about Parkerfest 2020, including location, schedule of events, lodging etc. As the older generation knows, Parkerfest is a big undertaking, and it takes many different people doing many different things to make it happen.

The first official unofficial (it was a meeting that wasn’t planned) meeting of Parkerfest Team 2020 took place at the hotel pool in Lake City and went late into the night on the Friday before our big gathering at the community center in Hebron. The Next Gen were eager to get the ball rolling and they have already come up with some plans for our next event, incorporating some of the old traditions with some of their own new, fresh ideas.

Dana and Kevin have taken the reins as the Parkerfest 2020 Team Leaders, and Jeannie remains on board as the Communications Expert, and as the new Webmaster! It will take many more people to make the 2020 Team successful, and the team leaders will be reaching out to individuals who can contribute their special talents to make this another outstanding event.

We are really excited that The Next Gen (as we are calling them), has stepped up to continue this special tradition. Parkerfest will not die as long as family members young and old are willing to donate their time and resources to making it happen, and our hope is that we will make many more memories for the future generations to come.