Parkerfest originated in 1990 with Bill coming up with a beer-centered festival of family fun named after the similar German celebrations of Octoberfest. It was not long before Bill, Tammy, and Leesa were leading the planning and organization of what became a legendary annual event.
The Parkers made family reunion t-shirts a thing before family reunion t-shirts were a thing with the very first shirts made in Bill and Audrey’s kitchen with puff paint and sponge brushes. As the years passed, shirts were professionally made and the envy of all the Parkers’ friends as they were proof positive that we have the COOLEST family ever.
In the early years, Parkerfest included events such as Shoot the ‘Hooch rafting trip down the Chattahoochee River, Braves Games, Talent Shows, Luaus, and of course, the annual Parkerfest 4th of July picnic featuring the amazing (and somewhat infamous and dangerous?) fireworks display at Pine Hill Drive.
Parkerfest continued on into the 21st century always giving the Parkers an excuse to eat and drink too much and over-extend themselves on the volleyball field. In more recent years, the event lost some steam and was scheduled less and less frequently with the last event being held in 2013, the year we lost our beloved matriarch, Mable Parker. Parkerfest was reborn in October of 2019 with a gathering at “The Old Place” in Hebron, SC, where The Next Generation committed to reviving the event in the years to come. The long overdue website was created to house the family archives and as a place for updates and information sharing for ALL THINGS PARKERFEST, so have a look around and enjoy what truly is an amazing family legacy.