Groups gather at Parkerfest 2019

Next Generation Takes the Lead

It is official! The Next Generation of Parkers have stepped up to form the new Parkerfest 2020 Team!

It was an impromptu meeting spawned by excited cousins getting together by the pool at the old Days Inn in Lake City the night before the big Saturday event at this year’s Parkerfest, but it was exactly what we needed to revive the yearly tradition of Parkerfest.

The Next Generation grew up with Parkerfest to look forward to every summer, and this was a tradition they didn’t want to see die out. They were up late into the night discussing plans for how they could bring back Parkerfest with many of the old traditions while also adding their own spin to the event.

Dana and Kevin have officially taken on the role of Team Leaders, and Jeannie remains on board as the Communications Expert and now, with her creation of, the Webmaster. It will take many hands working together to make Parkerfest 2020 a success, so please stay tuned for information on how to get involved. We will definitely be reaching out to folks to do jobs!