Once Upon A Time . . .

Leesa once again amazed us all with her creativity and organization skills for her Parker Siblings Trivia Game extravaganza!

Once upon a time, there was a Parker who…

The first group that completed the following tasks correctly to receive a token. The group that had the most tokens won, and each person in the group received $25.00! The cash prize caused some chaos in the scramble to get to the picture table first, but eventually the winning group emerged! Matt Beard, never one to enjoy losing a competition, bounced between teams trying to pick the winners based on proximity to the picture table, but in the end it was Jason Abney, Brad, Donna and Matt (kinda sorta the traitor!) who won the prize!

Stories are told in “understood plural” to hide the gender of the Parker.

1.    Once upon a time, there was a Parker who told one of their brothers they knew how to drive a stick shift so that the brother would allow this Parker to borrow his car to go out on the town in Lake City. The problem was that this Parker really had no idea WHAT SO EVER how to drive a stick shift. This Parker waited for the brother to go inside before taking off, so the brother would not see this Parker popping the clutch, conking out and grinding the gears on their way out of the driveway. An under-aged family member took over the wheel and drove the car as soon as they were on the road. “If you can’t find ’em, grind ’em!” was the motto for that night. They had never heard so many car horns blowing as they tried to take off from the red-lights in first gear. Lake City was filled with traffic jams that night! The car conked out numerous times as it begged for mercy! This Parker is also known for always having a stash in the house while growing up. If any of this Parker’s siblings were missing something, they always checked this stash first. This Parker was a collector of things, whether these things belonged to them or someone else. This Parker is also known for planning amazing trips and getting the most for their money and making every single second count.

The name of this Parker is Tammy Sue!

2.   Once upon a time, there was a Parker who was a fantastic story teller. The kids were mesmerized by this Parker’s amazing stories and hung on their every word! This Parker told the stories at night in a dark room, and the only thing the kids could see was the glow of this person’s cigarette as they waved it through the smoke-filled room. The kids were in awe of this Parker’s creativity and thought of this Parker as the coolest of the cool! Years later, one of the grands figured out that the fantastic stories this person told were actually Star Trek episodes. This person remains to be the coolest of the cool! After all, using Star Trek episodes to thrill the minds of bored youngins’ in the rural area of Hebron, South Carolina, was rather ingenious! This Parker is one of the organizers of the family and is credited with the term “Parkerfest” which started a tradition that has lasted for over thirty years! This Parker led the way for making many wonderful memories with family that will forever be in our hearts!

The name of this Parker is William Watson!

3.   Once upon a time, this Parker was kind enough to drive Grandma Parker and Aunt Billie to Columbia to visit a family member. The jammed pack car was filled with siblings and excited grandchildren who were sitting in each other’s laps. Needless to say, this Parker who took on this task and had little driving experience, had their hands full. This Parker did an awesome job getting everybody there in about two hours; however, once it became dark, the situation changed. This Parker became lost. No matter which direction this person went, they ended up in front of the state capital…over and over and over again. This Parker was to the point of tears! Everyone had an opinion about which way to go and what to do. This poor 16 year old tried every one of the frantic suggestions made…only to end up… once again… in front of that dang state capital. Five and half hours later, they finally made it home. That trip was filled with laughter, tears, and fears, but this young Parker became a true hero (or herione)  that night!  

The name of this Parker is Ronald Alexander!

4.   Once upon a time, this Parker talked their sibling into playing in the boxcars of a train that would park near their house. These two Parkers did this regularly and enjoyed romping around, on top of, and inside of the boxcars as they played their childhood games. One time while taking this adventurous journey, the train started moving. One of the Parkers jumped off immediately, but the other Parker was too scared to jump. The grounded Parker yelled, “Jump! Jump! You better jump NOW!” The train began gaining speed, and the other Parker became more and more afraid of jumping. The grounded Parker was frantic to say the least, and ran after the train realizing that this sibling would be gone forever. The Parker on the train would not jump! With a broken heart, the grounded Parker waved and yelled, “Bye-bye! Bye-bye!” The frightened Parker finally  found the courage to jump, and the grounded Parker was so relieved that they didn’t have to go home and tell their mama that one of her children was gone forever.

        The name of the grounded Parker is Donald Malory!

5.    Once upon a time, there was a Parker who was always climbing on anything they could see! This Parker’s climbing adventures were rather harmless until the day they climbed onto the only dresser in the house that had a mirror. This Parker broke the mirror during their climb and showed the broken mirror to one of their siblings. The sibling ran to their mama and told her that the climbing Parker was going to have to run away because Daddy was going to kill this Parker when he found out what they had done. The sibling decided to run away with the climbing Parker because this Parker couldn’t make it out there in this big world alone. So, Grandma said she understood and packed some food for the two youngsters. The two little ones were grateful for the food. They packed some clothes and took off down the road as they escaped for their lives! After walking an ENTIRE quarter of a mile, the youngsters were famished and stopped to eat and regain their strength. After they felt full and   rested, they began walking again, realizing that they could no longer see their long lost home. Although they were terrified, they bravely traveled  farther and farther away from their once beloved home. As they rounded a curve on the road, they saw a stranger and took off running like wildfire toward the safe and loving arms of their mama. Grandma had never taken her eyes off of her babies, but they didn’t know that at the time. One thing they did know was that it was the longest one hour trip they had ever experienced during their whole six years on this earth, and they were so very happy to finally be home. 

        The name of the climbing Parker is Mary Annette!

6.    Once upon a time, there was a Parker who enjoyed playing the piano. This Parker would practice and practice until they mastered the piece of music they were working on at the time. They knew how to read notes and took pleasure in achieving the thrilling sounds of music. They shared their music with everyone in the house, but they took the most pleasure in playing for their mama as she sang her favorite hymns. It became a tradition for these two to share moments at the piano making precious memories with some of Grandma’s most beloved songs. This person would also sit in the fields under the hot sun for long periods of time, just staring into the sky. This Parker would actually lose track of time as they embraced the sky. Losing track of time was something that followed this Parker into adulthood. In fact, while on a vacation, the siblings waited and waited for this Parker in the downstairs lobby. After an hour, he finally came down. “Where have you been?” they asked. This Parker replied, “I’m not sure. I’ve lost an hour of my life, and I don’t know where it went!”

    The name of this Parker is Bobby Ingram!

7.   Once upon a time, there was a Parker who had no sense of direction in any way, shape, or form. This Parker ordered some coffee at a drive-thru window, and became extremely confused when the attendant replied, “We not serve coffee here. This is dry cleaner. You in wrong place. We not McDonald’s!” This person also has a shirt that says, “I’ve gone to find myself. If I return before I get back, please keep me here!” This Parker has also been injured many times by doing adventurous types of activities, such as jumping off bridges and playing with snakes large enough to swallow them! One night, this Parker saw what seemed to be a UFO and ran yelling at the top of their lungs, “Take me! Take me! I want to go!” This person embraces any opportunity for new experiences…no matter how “alien” they may seem to be…and never gives up on trying to make the most out of life. 

The name of this Parker is Judy Olivia!

8.   Once upon a time, this Parker was always into something and looking for adventure of some kind. Some were the kind of adventures you would enjoy with wonder and excitement, while other adventures were the kind that could get you into a lot of trouble; however, there was always something going on…good or bad….while you were with this Parker. At the age of six, this Parker believed they could fly as long as they had enough height and wore a cape. Excited to share this new found realization, this Parker convinced one of their siblings to climb a loft, stand on a small cross-tie and jump off. The two went down in a whirlwind of glory as their handmade capes failed to keep them suspended in the air. They were both scraped up a little, and this Parker got a real good whippin’ for attempting such a dangerous act. This Parker admits that they deserved it. In fact, this Parker claims that they never got a whippin’ they didn’t truly deserve! We all admire this Parker’s zest for life!  

The name of this Parker is Carlton Jr.!

9.   Once upon a time, there was a Parker who was TERRIFIED of roosters! The roosters would seek this Parker out and attack their head whenever they had the chance. The mere site of a rooster mortifies this Parker until this day….not only because it was painful, but also because these roosters would mess up one of this Parker’s most treasured possessions…their hair. This Parker always took great pride in caring for their hair. Rarely did you see a hair on their head out of place, but for some reason, the roosters were threatened by this Parker’s crowning glory. They would hop on this Parker’s head and start digging away with their sharp, rigid spurs! Some people thought this Parker was being less than truthful about the attacks until Grandma ran frantically into the house with blood dripping down her face. The rooster had attacked Grandma, and you can guess what they had for supper that night. Yep! Revenge tastes so dang good at times. Some think that these rooster attacks may have affected this Parker’s ability to think clearly at times. All that digging into their scalp may be responsible for this Parker driving like a bat out of hades on the country roads! This Parker would drive in the center of the road, on the left side of the road, and on the right side of the road… whichever side that made it easier to take the curves as fast as possible. This Parker never wasted a moment of time! 

The name of this Parker is Connie Dorthea!

10.   Once upon a time, a four year old Parker realized they had ten fingers. They counted them over and over again! This Parker just couldn’t believe what they were seeing! This Parker noticed that the brothers and sisters also had ten fingers…each and every one of them! This person was overwhelmed with joy as they shared the exciting news with each sibling. They didn’t understand why the brother and sisters weren’t as thrilled about this new discovery. This Parker became excited about everything and had a way of making even the smallest of things seem grand. This Parker loved giving to others, especially to Grandma. Every time they received a paycheck, they would buy Grandma a little trinklet or precious love gift of some kind. Although they always had a kind and generous nature, this Parker did not mess around when it came to Monopoly. Monopoly was serious business! This Parker had to be the banker and had to win…by any means necessary. Lord help you if you upset this Parker in any way because this Parker’s furry baby would attack you in a heartbeat and guarded this Parker with its life! 

The name of this Parker is Lloyd Dallas!

11.   Once upon a time, this Parker cried out in agony, “Oh no! Not another one!” when they found out that yet ANOTHER baby was being brought home. This Parker was the one who kept things in order. This person was a pioneer and trail blazer in many ways and modeled how to escape the firm grasp of poverty and rip it from your life. This Parker encouraged each sibling to not only dream but to do something about making their dreams a reality and provided 20/20 vision of how faith, strength, purpose, perseverance and dedication can change your life. This Parker kind of grew up with Grandma in many ways and had many ways like Grandma. If you felt like a nobody, this Parker made you feel like a somebody. If you doubted yourself, this Parker reassured you that you were worth believing in. Most importantly, this Parker always made you feel loved. Although this Parker’s many material gifts and special treats to the widowed mother and her children were greatly needed and even more appreciated, it was the time this Parker spent with each loved one and this person’s ever inspiring spirit that were the greatest gifts of all. Even those in our family who do not know this Parker are affected by this person because this Parker planted a seed of hope and inspiration into each of the brothers and sisters from whom all of us came in some way or married to someone affected by this Parker. What a blessed family we are! Grandma is smiling on us now and saying what she always said at the end of the day, “Thank you Lord for another good day!” 

The name of this Parker is Ethel Mae!